The ARR Collaboration Bursary is aimed at promoting the ability of SITS to visit and collaborate with other laboratories to further their research. We encourage any SITS to apply and are happy to discuss/help with promoting such bursaries. This is a wonderful opportunity to enable SITS to visit other laboratories and promote their careers.
To support SITs with a focused interest in radiation research by facilitating visits to collaborating labs to further their scientific research. The collaboration must involve a UK laboratory either by providing or hosting a SIT. Emphasis will be given to those wishing to initiate/strengthen collaborative relationships between labs focused on radiation research but consider will also be given to SITS with a focus on radiation research wishing to learn a broader technique. We will evaluate all applications but preference will be given to intercontinental collaborations.
A collaborative visit to or from a UK radiation research laboratory – i.e. the recipient can be from a UK laboratory or visiting a UK laboratory.
If the recipient is currently in a UK laboratory, he/she must be a current ARR member or initiate membership on application and maintain membership for 5 subsequent years.
If the host laboratory is a UK laboratory (if they are receiving a SIT), the lab head must be a current ARR member or initiate membership on application and maintain membership for 5 years.
ARR definition of a SITS is 5 years post PhD (consideration will be given to maternity and paternity breaks).
The budget is flexible but should be around £2-3000.
These documents should be sent to the ARR secretary Helen Bryant by email.
Applicants will be notified of outcome within one month.
Abstract Submission: by 02/03/2025 Early bird registration: by 31/03/2025 Standard registration: by 21/05/2025
Members have access to our travel and collaboration bursaries, as well as reduced registration rates to attend our meeting.
Travel Bursaries (non ARR meetings): 31st May and 30th November each year; Collaboration Bursaries: please contact for more details
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